Friday, 30 September 2011

Housing Options for Older Manitobans.

The needs and abilities of older Manitobans change gradually over time. The kinds of changes and when they occur vary from one person to the next. Although many seniors can remain active and independent in their own homes, others need a little help to continue living in the community. Placement in a personal care home is not the only option to meet the changing needs of older adults. Many seniors can safely remain in their community if they have assistance with their daily routine or basic health needs.

Help for Seniors and their Families

circleIt isn’t always easy for seniors and their families to determine what solution will work best for them. Although the family home may be full of memories, it may also feel very empty, leading to isolation, depression and even malnutrition. Some home-based services – such as Services to Seniors and Home Care – are available to eligible individuals to help with their daily activities or health needs. However, an increasing number of older adults find themselves in need of an alternative safe, comfortable housing option.
Manitoba’s Aging in Place initiative may have the answer you’re looking for. Living in a supported environment offers independence while at the same time providing social interaction, personal safety and basic amenities like community dining rooms, housekeeping help and laundry assistance. And as needs change over time, there are options that allow seniors to gradually increase the support and assistance they receive while at the same time maintain as much independence as possible.
Supports to Seniors in Group Living
The Supports to Seniors in Group Living model is one option. Enhanced supports are offered within some designated existing seniors housing at no charge to tenants, with a goal of keeping
people as independent as possible, for as long as possible.
Supports range from one-on-one help with arranging appointments or transportation, to social activities and expanded meal programs.
Supportive Housing
The Supportive Housing concept was introduced as an option for seniors who require 24-hour support and supervision. This community housing option can help seniors delay or avoid personal care home placement until an intensive level of care is required.
Supportive Housing combines community living in a secure apartment setting with personal support services. The resident pays for rent and a service package (meals, laundry and housekeeping). Personal care is funded through the regional health authority (RHA) at no cost to the tenant. Eligibility is assessed through the RHA’s Home Care Program.
Personal Care Home
A personal care home is an option when an individual needs 24-hour nursing care due to significant physical or mental deterioration. Personal care homes are designed for individuals who can no longer safely remain at home or in a supportive housing environment.

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Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Seniors and Computers

What Can Seniors Do With Computers?
For many, computers are a tool that allows you to have a hobby. For example, you may love to cook and therefore get recipes off the Food Channel website. What about computers for seniors? What can seniors do with computers?

First of all, I’ll define seniors as anyone over the age of 50. Why? Simply because you can join AARP at age 50. But not matter your age, using a computer for the first time can be very frightening and intimidating. So, what is the benefit of going the process of learning a computer and what can a senior do online?

1. Connect. Social networking websites like Facebook allow you to connect with all the people you care about, no matter the physical difference that divides you. This is a free way (doesn’t cost money) to stay in touch and update each other about your lives. Plus you can share photographs and even movies online. There is no need to miss your grandkid’s birthday. While you may not be there physically, you can see the video of your grandkids blowing out the candles on their cake or opening the present you sent them. This is a great way to stay in touch.

2. Find Hobbies. Did you ever want to try something new? There are millions of websites dedicated to every possible subject so no matter what your interests are it’s easy to find all the information you need.

3. Blogging. You have a lifetime of experience, ideas and opinions. So why not share those with the world… or just your family. A blog can be public or private and can be a great way to express yourself. Give it a try!

4. Shopping. Have you ever wanted something that’s either hard to find or not available locally. If it was ever made chances are you can find it online. Whether it’s collecting coins or ordering a new TV, there are great discounts online and often free shipping or no sales tax. Plus you can compare items, which mystery book has the best reviews or which power drill is most reliable? Find all this and more online.
Plus most local libraries now offer free internet access and computers. So if you are nervous about learning or wonder how much you'll actually use a computer, start at the library. You can always decide to purchase later on if you really enjoy it.

These are just a few of the many reasons you should take the time to learn the computer and internet. The possibilities are endless and will help you engage in more activities. No matter what your interests or passions are in life you can find it online.

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