Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Minister of Seniors praises Summerwood Village

Minister of Seniors, George VanderBurg, visits with residents
George VanderBurg, Alberta's recently appointed Minister of Seniors, visited an All Seniors Care residence last week. 

The Edmonton suburb of Sherwood Park is home to our own 
Summerwood Village Retirement Residence. Below is an excerpt from a Sherwood Park news article, written about the minister's visit.

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The casual social event gave residents a chance to visit with VanderBurg and discuss any concerns, or simply socialize. VanderBurg has been minster of seniors for four months and said any time he can visit seniors’ facilities is a beneficial opportunity to share best practices.

By far this is a facility I haven’t seen anywhere else in the province,” he said of Summerwood, adding that the level of care in different parts of the province has been amazing. “We want different options for seniors and this is an option that is pretty appealing, I’ll tell you that.”

Aspects of Summerwood that set the bar for VanderBurg were its suites, which he was given a tour of prior to the social, the facility’s system of support in regards to health care and the overall safety of the building.

Read the rest here.

Source URL: Sherwood Park News - by Meaghan Baxter