“The Year of Joy”
What a wonderful “Year of Joy” Linking Generations had this year. It is hard to describe just how much the students are gaining from their interactions with their seniors. I know they are bringing amazing Joy into each other’s lives simply by listening and sharing their lives. These young people and the seniors are sharing their life experiences, sharing their dreams, and sharing their hearts. Thanks to each Linking Generations senior for giving of your time and of your heart. We are impressed by your wealth of knowledge and interesting life stories and touched by your kindness and compassion.
Linking Generations is very grateful for the support we receive from Summerwood Retirement Residence. Special thanks to Dianne Lalonde and Caryn Lansing for your personal belief in the benefits of connecting these two generations ~ your wonderful support is appreciated. You are supporting our Linking students to experience history through the eyes of their seniors.
Thanks to our Linking Angels: Cheyenne Brown, Patricia Hollman, Heather Wilton, and Alicia Webster for sharing your time, your hearts, and your kindness to make each visit meaningful.
We are very grateful to our funding partners: Alberta Government Community Initiatives Program, Lakeland Ridge School, and Holy Spirit Catholic School. We also really appreciate those individuals who choose to designate their United Way donations to Linking Generations or pledge their support to the Mayor’s Walk/Run. It is these valuable partnerships or ‘links’ that make our program such a success.
Seniors or your families, please have a look at Linking Generations website
www.linkinggenerations.ca. The photo gallery captures the true essence of our programs ~ the smiles of the seniors and their students.
Wishing you a wonderful summer!
Linking Generations ~ Teens & Seniors, Caring & Sharing