Thursday, 24 November 2011

Good times with friends, good deeds for charity.

Meet the Victoria Landing Knitting Circle.

Brandon, Manitoba is home to All Seniors Care's Victoria Landing Retirement Residence as well as a fantastic group of individuals who are putting their skills to work, for the betterment of the community.

Every Wednesday morning, between 8-10 ladies meet to share a cup of tea, lots smiles and plenty  of clothing. These ladies once a week throughout the entire year in order to prepare for an annual sale which they manage.

Sweaters, scarves, toques, mitts and more! The Knitting Circle sells their beautifully hand-made clothes and donates all the proceeds to the local Brandon Community Food Bank. Any clothing items that don't sell are put into hampers for the Salvation Army.

A rare gesture to donate brand new clothes to charity! This past October, they made a $1,356 contribution to the food bank thanks to a year of hard work.

We are very proud of the community spirit present at Victoria Landing and commend the Knitting Circle on the continued generosity of their weekly pastime.

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